
Subak - A Sustainable System of Irrigation

Subak - A Sustainable System of Irrigation

As water scarcity becomes a global concern, sustainable irrigation is a topic not just for farmers, experts, and pedants; it’s a topic for the mainstream.  In the United States, major aquifers are being drained at alarming rates, and there hasn’t been enough snow and rainfall to replenish used supply.  Solutions to our current water crisis may be found in a Balinese practice going back to the 9th-century.  Subak, a crossroads of culture, religion, and irrigation. 

Monkey Business in Ubud—Finding Connection

Monkey Business in Ubud—Finding Connection

In Ubud there is a magical forest teaming with rambunctiously friendly monkeys.  There are literally hundreds of them living amongst three ancient Hindu temples enshrined by hundreds of different species of rare.  This place doesn’t seem real.  It’s like something out of an Indiana Jones movie.  The verdant overgrowth amongst the statues spread across the grounds is nearly indescribable.  You are overwhelmed with a sense of light-hearted joy, and peace here.  It’s impossible not to enjoy this place.